Monday, June 7, 2010

Huskey Happy Hour

Hi!  Hope you're having a GREAT summer-ish season!

Some of us are friends with John Huskey, who has attended some of our recent ToT meetings...John has started his own periodic social gathering for adults in our area.  He'll be hosting at Superior Grill this Friday, June 11, and he asked us to extend the invitation to the ToT group.  Looks like it could be fun!  Details below, and you can also find John on Facebook...please let John know if you have any questions.

Hope everyone stays cool this summer!  Stay tuned for news on upcoming ToT events!  :)

The ToT team

Huskey Happy Hour <a facebook event>

Friday, June 11, 2010
5:00pm - 7:00pm
Superior Grill
4701 Hwy 280
Birmingham, AL
Once again, it is time for the Huskey Happy Hour. Superior Grill offers $2 margaritas during its happy hour(3:30P.M. until 6:30P.M.).
If you have any questions, feel free to call/text my Sprint cell# 865-406-1386.

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