Tuesday, December 2, 2008

12/2 - Advent Wreath Making

Wreath-making was a blast this year!

We held our annual Advent wreath-making event on Tuesday, December 2. We had a great turnout! The Advent wreath is one of the most popular Catholic Advent traditions. We opened with a prayer, and then we got right to the action...

Everyone seemed to enjoy making a wreath. It provided just the right amount of challenge without being too complicated: attaching the greenery, tying the bows...it was just enough to provide a few laughs along the way, and by the time we finished, we felt like we really accomplished something!

Father Paul even checked it on us...and he appreciated our creativity!

The lighting of the candles of the Advent wreath throughout the time of Advent helps us to remember and focus on the promise of the coming of Jesus, the light of the world. This night, we were all fortunate to be able to spend this special and fun time together!

ToT hopes that you and your family and friends are able to experience the full joy and true meaning of the Christmas season.

Thanks to everyone who was able to join us! We look forward to seeing you at future ToT events in January.