Hi! We hope you're having a GREAT summer! Just wanted to send out a quick note to let you know about a Diocesan young adult program that's firing up soon...in fact, an event is set for next Friday! Details are in the email below. OLV ToT is pretty excited about the idea of a Diocesan-wide young adult program. We know it will be a great ministry and we plan on working with them as much as we can! You can check them out on Facebook here: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=131281340235192 . Or you can email Susan (info below) for more and to join their mailing list.
Hope you continue to have a wonderful and blessed summer!
The ToT Team
On Thu, Jul 22, 2010 at 3:16 PM, Susan Gorin <sgorin@bhmdiocese.org> wrote:
Diocese Young Adult Ministry Presents:
TGIFF (Thank God It's First Friday)
TGIFF will take place Friday, August 6th from 6-9:30 at the Cathedral of St. Paul. We will begin with Mass in the Cathedral, followed by a short informative talk by Fr. Kevin Bazzel regarding the history and importance of the First Friday devotion, as well as celebrating the Feast of the Transfiguration of Christ, which coincides with this event. The talk, dinner, and social will take place in the parish hall following Mass.
If you plan to attend, please email me or RSVP on our facebook group, Young Catholic Adults of Birmingham, so we make sure to have enough food! In honor of the traditional Catholic custom of fasting on all Fridays of the year, we will be serving a vegetarian meal consisting of sautéed vegetables, beans, rice, salsa, lettuce, cheese, and all other taco bar type fixings! We will also have homemade churros for dessert! To cover the cost of the meal, we ask that you please bring 7 dollars.
Childcare will be provided for this event!
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at sgorin@bhmdiocese.org
I look forward to seeing you there!
Pax Christi,
Susan R. Gorin
Young Adult Ministry Coordinator
Department of the New Evangelization and Stewardship
Diocese of Birmingham
2121 3rd Avenue North
Birmingham AL 35203
Office +1 (205) 776-7163
Fax +1 (205) 836-1910