Tuesday, March 30, 2010

ToT meeting Tuesday 4/6!

Hello everyone!  Just a quick note to remind you of our upcoming ToT gathering on Tuesday, April 6.  We'll discuss the life of Blessed Franz Jaggerstatter.  A father of three daughters, Franz took a public stand against being called to fight for Germany in World War II and was imprisoned and executed by the Third Reich.  Theology on Tap will discuss the inspirational story of his unwavering faithfulness in the face of the greatest evil of the 20th Century.  We'll meet at 6:30 PM in the OLV Parish office conference room.  There is no charge to attend...BYOB...childcare is provided. 

If you have a chance to read up on Franz, check out http://www.vatican.va/news_services/liturgy/saints/ns_lit_doc_20071026_jagerstatter_en.html for some good info!

We'll continue our Lives of the Saints discussion on Tuesday, April 20 with St. Ignatius of Loyola. 

The ToT team hopes to see you soon, and we hope you and your family and friends have a wonderful Holy Week and Easter season! 

The ToT Team

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Theology on Tap - April 6

On Tuesday, April 6, Theology on Tap will host a Lives of the Saints discussion of Blessed Franz Jaggerstatter.  A father of three daughters, Franz took a public stand against being called to fight for Germany in World War II and was imprisoned and executed by the Third Reich.  Theology on Tap will discuss the inspirational story of his unwavering faithfulness in the face of the greatest evil of the 20th Century.  We'll meet at 6:30 PM in the OLV Parish office conference room.  There is no charge to attend...BYOB...childcare is provided.  For more information, email us at theologyontap@olvsch.com or check out birminghamtot.blogspot.com