Tuesday, November 13, 2007

The Seven Habits of Highly Spiritual People

On November 13, 2007, we got together for the fourth time this year! This time we were blessed to have Bill Grimme as a guest speaker. He educated us on the 7 Habits Paradigm. It was an excellent talk with plenty of illustrations for those of us who tend to be more visual.
We discussed how there are both Personal and Public victories that occur in our lives that can be the result of habits we choose to initiate. To begin with we defined habits as those things that a person can do everyday in their life without too much thought. Our goal is to take these tasks and make them habits in our daily lives. Examples of Personal Habits are to be Proactive (instead of complaining, make changes), have a Personal Vision, and Preserve our Current Relationships while Getting Things Done.
Examples of Public Habits would be such things as Balanced Self-Renewal, Interpersonal Leadership, Seeking to Understand Situations before Prescribing Ways to Fix Problems, and finally Creative Communication (taking advantage of people's differences). After learning what these Habits were, we broke into small groups and discussed how various Bible versus related to the 7 Habits.All in all, I think this was a night of learning for everyone. Too often we forget that not only is it important to be a good individual, but also to be a good group member to those around us which involves listening, learning, and of course good communication! In the end, everyone seemed to have a good time and it was a night of smiles and laughter for all involved. Take care and Peace to All! The Team :)