Thursday, March 5, 2009

DVD Series Recap - 2/24 & 3/3

Thanks to everyone who attended our DVD Series! We viewed the first two DVDs of Matthew Kelly's "Living Life with Passion and Purpose" series. Our first session included a little Mardi Gras fun (with beads and a king cake!). The first DVD set the stage by presenting us with a theme of "Our Lives Change When our Habits Change." We can become better versions of ourselves by working to eliminate bad habits and form good ones.

The second DVD centered on an important good habit to form: spending 10 minutes a day in prayer. Focused prayer...moving toward achieving union with God...can change our lives, and it can start with just 10 minutes a day. It's challenging, but it can make a big difference!

Matthew Kelly is a very dynamic speaker, with thought-provoking stories and examples, a good sense of humor, and a cool Austrailian accent. Combined with some great discussion among our own group, it made for two very entertaining evenings!!

And we enjoyed yet another incredible dip...thanks to Kate for sharing with us!!

Thanks again everyone! We'll let you know when our next ToT events are on the calendar. We hope everyone has a blessed and fulfilling Lent and Easter season!

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