Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Stump the Priest

On January 8, 2008, we decided to start the year off right by learning more about our faith, and who better to answer those questions than our own priest, Father Ray. Now, while the goal of this gathering was to learn more about our faith, it is always fun to see if we can stump our priest. Father Ray, being the brave soul that he is, decided to subject himself to our line of questioning and it is good thing that he did as we were all able to learn more about our faith. We went over such topics as how to define a sin, confession, and Mary's sinfulness.
Our answers included such definitions as: Mary is without sin from birth, which is why we say she is "full of grace"; thus, there is no sin, only grace. And, as for the definition of a "Sin", in order to be a sin the action (1) has to be wrong, (2) we have to know it is wrong, and (3) we have to freely choose to do it.
We concluded this gathering by going around the room and everyone saying what he/she believes is most special about being Catholic. The answers were overwhelming! People came from different backgrounds meaning both cradle Catholics and converts. People mentioned such things as being able to receive communion every week, our 7 sacraments, and our closeness to Mary. It was truly a special, fun, and entertaining night and although we weren't able to stump Father Ray this time, there is always next year! Peace and blessing to all and a very special thank you to Father Ray for all of his time, love, and support. See you next month! The Team

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