Wednesday, September 12, 2007

The Peace of Christ in a Turbulent World

On September 11, 2007, we met for our second time this season. We brought in a special guest , Shelly Douglas from St. Mary's Catholic Worker House, to speak about "Pax Christi International". Shelly spoke about a movement that began in the ashes of WWII as a Catholic voice for peace and reconciliation. She led discussions on ways to generate peace in our world.

As you can see above, it was an intense topic to discuss as peace is not always so easy to come by. However, once the talk was over everyone had time to mingle before heading over to the church for a Peace Service.

With today being September 11, we thought we should honor those who died during the tragedy only six years ago. The "Prayer for Peace" included talks on several different faiths (Jewish, Buddhist, Islamic, Hindu, Jain, Baha'i, and Christianity) taking care to note the similiarities between the different religions. Several TOT members participated in the service, so a special thanks goes out to everyone who made this night possible. We concluded the service with a candle lighting ceremony, showing that when there is unity there is more light in the world. In the end, although this evening proved to be a little more intense than usual, everyone seemed to have a good time and left with a smile in their heart. Again, thanks to everyone who came, it was great seeing you all. Have a blessed month and we'll see you in October. The Team.

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